Your Company Is Only As Good As The People Who Represent It.
Hire Right. Hire Bright.
Butler Street’s Higher IQ™ module is a key component of our comprehensive TalentFirst A.R.D. ™ approach to Acquiring, Retaining and Developing your employees (talent). Higher IQ™ Customized Hiring Process includes best-in-class processes and technology to:
Hire your employees (talent) based on core values, mission and fit for strategy and role
Effectively recruit, interview, assess and on-board every role in the organization
Ensure a ready supply of talent before the need arises
Provide actionable insights around candidate selection
Train your team to consistently hire right and hire bright
Most managers have made hires that they later regret. One hiring mistake and certainly multiple mistakes across an organization can mean the difference between a highly-engaged workforce and a resulting successful, growth company or a failing organization.
At Butler Street, we are knowledge-sharing operators who have also made hiring mistakes in the past and have learned from them. We know that it takes a distinctive approach that uses multiple facts and data points and is customized by position and its success factors. Based on this, we have developed proven tools, processes and technology that will ensure your organization finds the best and brightest talent and successfully hires them for the right roles.
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